We hope that you're not having any problems using this website. However, if you do have any difficulty viewing
the site, there are some things you can do to make it easier. These include changing the settings of your
browser to better suit your needs and using specially provided keyboard shortcuts in case you have difficulty
using a mouse.
Changing browser settings
If you are having difficulties viewing our pages, most browsers allow users to change the settings in order to
alter the way pages are displayed, which may improve readability.
Most browsers allow you to:
•Ignore settings specified by a web page
•Change the size of the font
•Change the style of the font
•Change the colour of the font
•Change the background colour
•Stop images downloading (so they are not visible)
Internet Explorer
How do I ignore the font / colour settings specified?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'
Click on the 'Accessibility' option, which can be found under the 'General' tab.
You will see the following options:
•Ignore colours specified on Web pages
•Ignore font styles specified on Web pages
•Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages
Tick the options that are appropriate to you.
Click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I change the colours of the text and background?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'
Click on the 'Colours' option, which can be found under the 'General' tab
Untick the 'Use windows colours' option
Select your own text and background colours (black text on a yellow background provides the most contrast)
To change the colours of visited and unvisited links, click on the colours and select your preferred colour from
the palette that appears
Click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I change the font style?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'
Click on the 'Accessibility' option, which can be found under the 'General' tab
Tick the 'Ignore font styles specified on Web pages' option Click 'OK'
Back at the 'General' tab, click 'Fonts'
From this screen you can change the way your pages display 'web page font' and 'plain text font.' Once you have
chosen your required settings, click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I change the font size?
Go to 'View' and select 'Text Size' and select the appropriate size text, e.g. 'largest'
Adjust as appropriate
How do I stop images downloading?
This allows you to only view text and the page will load much faster
From the main menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'
Go to the 'Advanced' tab
Scroll down the settings until you reach 'Multimedia'
Untick the 'Show pictures' option
Click 'OK' to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I ignore the font / colour settings specified?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Options'
Click on the 'colours option, which can be found under the 'Content' tab.
Tick the options that are appropriate to you.
Click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I change the colours of the text and background?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Options'
Click on the 'Colours' option, which can be found under the 'Content' tab
Select your own text and background colours (black text on a yellow background provides the most contrast)
To change the colours of visited and unvisited links, click on the colours and select your preferred colour from
the palette that appears
Click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Internet Options' box
How do I change the font style?
From the browser menu, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Options'
Click on the 'Colour' option, which can be found under the 'Content' tab
From this screen you can change the way your pages display 'web page font' and 'plain text font.' Once you have
chosen your required settings, click 'OK'
Click 'OK' again to close the 'Options' box